Here are links to our certifications for your information and reference:
ESPEC equipment from Hudsonville, Michigan and Aurora, Colorado are manufactured in a plant whose Quality Management System is certified as being in conformity with ISO 9001:2015 by Intertek.
Accreditation status: Active
Standard: ISO 9001:2015
Updated: 12/30/2024 to include Aurora, Colorado location
Valid Through: 10/18/2026
ESPEC ISO-9001 Quality Certificate PDF
ESPEC North America Hudsonville, Michigan 17025:2017
Accreditation status: Active
Scope: Calibration
Standard: ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Effective Through: 07/07/2026
ISO-17025 Calibration Certificate PDF (at
Note: 17025 is accredited for these types of measurements: Temperature, Relative Humidity, DC Voltage - Generate, DC Current - Generate, Electrical Simulation of Thermocouple Systems, Type T, Type K . Certification is valid for field calibrations.
ESPEC North America Statements on Refrigerant and GWP compliance
Effective Date: 11/25/2024
ESPEC technical bulletin on refrigerant use and compliance
ESPEC memo on refrigerant use and compliance for California starting in 2025
ESPEC North America Conflict Minerals Reporting Initiative Template:
Effective Date: 07/13/2018
ESPEC Conflict Minerals Reporting Initiative Template